UKRO has just opened registration for several forthcoming information and proposal writing events in over the coming months. These events are specifically targeted at academic staff and researchers who are interested in applying for the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks…
UKRO Annual Conference 2010: Day 1
This year the UKRO 2010 Annual Conference was held in the beautiful setting of Het Pand, the conference venue at Ghent University. Delegates from all over the UK and some from the EU attended the two-day conference which was aimed…
FP7 2011 calls published
The latest FP7 calls which cover a number of thematic and cross thematic areas were announced on the 20th July along with the publication of the 2011 Work Programme. The 51 new calls cover a range of FP7 Programmes (Cooperation,…
UK Research Office to visit Lincoln
The UK Research Office (UKRO) – the Europe-based office of Research Councils UK – is set to visit the University of Lincoln on 7th September 2010 for a full day of presentations and discussion about European funding. UKRO is the…
Marie Curie Individual Fellowships and Reintegration Grants: Information and Proposal Writing Sessions
UKRO are holding a number of training events designed to provide participants with an overview of the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (Intra-European (IEF), International Outgoing (IOF), and International Incoming (IIF)) and the Reintegration Grants (European (ERG) and International (IRG)). These…
Need a Postdoc or Research Fellow?
Find out how to bid for Marie Curie Fellowships from experienced external bid writer, Dr. Martin Pickard. In this lunchtime seminar open to all Lincoln academic and research staff, Dr. Martin Pickard will outline the Marie Curie Fellowships scheme and…