The EC has taken the unusual step today of postponing the deadline for the Marie Curie Fellowship schemes by one day due to IT difficulties. Here’s the message which currently appears on the Participant Portal: Due to an IT issue…
UKRO on the future of Marie Curie Fellowships in Horizon 2020
UKRO (UK Research Office) recently attended a workshop in Brussels on the future of the Marie Curie Actions within the new Horizon 2020 programme (effectively FP8, plus CIP and EIT). Their report is useful reading for anyone with an interest…
Marie Curie 2011 Support Packs Available
If you are a member of staff or a postgraduate student at the University of Lincoln, you can now access support packs prepared by Dr. Martin Pickard (Grantcraft) for the latest Marie Curie Fellowships calls. They are available on the…
Marie Curie IEF, IIF and IOF Calls for Proposals Launched
The European Commission has recently launched three new calls for proposals within the FP7 People Programme: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF – Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) Deadline: 11 August 2011 at 17:00 (Brussels local time) Budget: ¤109.85 million FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IIF –…
Marie Curie Fellowships – Presentation and Q&A
Do you need a postdoc or research fellow? Do you want to travel anywhere in the world to carry out research and enhance your career? Find out how to bid for Marie Curie Fellowships from experienced external bid writer, Dr.…
Bookings open for UKRO annual visit
Amy Williams from the UK Research Office will be visiting the university on the 7th September for the UKRO annual visit. The UK Research Office was established in 1984 to promote effective UK participation in EU-funded research and higher education…