A forensic anthropologist has contributed to a special report which outlines steps Afghanistan can take to help identify the victims of the country’s 35-year conflict. Gillian Fowler, from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Lincoln (UK), has…
RCUK Seeking Referees for Research Proposals in Forensic Science
Research Councils UK has invited the Forensic Science Society, a professional body of forensic scientists, to collect nominations of researchers to evaluate proposals in forensic science to be forwarded to RCUK . The Process of Nomination The process, as determined by RCUK, for…
World’s First International Masters in Forensic Science at Lincoln
It’s always good to hear about successful funding bids! The latest news from the Press Office at Lincoln is about a new Masters in Forensic Science led by the University of Lincoln and funded by the EC’s Erasmus Mundus programme:…