This opportunity is open to UK and Chinese nationals who are currently enrolled, as PhD students, at accredited higher education institutions or research institutions in the UK or China respectively. The Programme offers sponsorships for UK and Chinese PhD students…

Newton Fund: Institutional Links, Workshop, and Travel Grants
These grants are funded under the Newton Fund, a UK Government initiative funded by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, together with partner funders from around the world. The Fund aims to promote the economic development and welfare of either…
New call for British Council workshop grants for ECRs
The British Council has launched a call for workshop grant proposals as part of the five-year Researcher Links initiative to encourage international research collaboration between ambitious early career researchers from the UK and 18 countries around the world. A ‘call…
British Council: Travel Grants
Call open 15th October 2013 Deadline 23:59 GMT 24th November 2013 Researchers that reside in the UK can apply for funding to spend up to 3 months at a university or research institution in one of the nineteen partner countries,…
Research beyond borders: Use UKRO to boost your European funding record!
Today’s post comes from a guest-blogger, Inga Benner of the UK Research Office in Brussels, who has some helpful advice on how to make the most of their services. Thanks Inga! “The UK Research Office is the European office of…
British Council JSPS Summer Programme
The British Council in Japan, in association with the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, has issued an invitation for applications for its summer programme. This programme allows UK researchers in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences to…