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Changes in BBSRC grants procedures and processes

Following the recent spending review settlement the BBSRC has recently announced a number of changes to its grant procedures and processes. A number of demand management measures have been put in place to try and keep the demand for research…

MRC Delivery Plan 2011-2015

In line with other research councils, MRC released its Delivery Plan for 2011 – 2015 in late December 2010. These documents set out the research councils’ strategic priorities for the next four years – i.e. the anticipated duration of the current…

STFC Delivery Plan 2011-2015

In line with other research councils, STFC released its Delivery Plan for 2011 – 2015 [PDF] in late December 2010. These documents set out the research councils’ strategic priorities for the next four years – i.e. the anticipated duration of the…

EPSRC Delivery Plan 2011-2015

In line with other research councils, EPSRC released its Delivery Plan for 2011 – 2015 [PDF] in late December 2010. These documents set out the research councils’ strategic priorities for the next four years – i.e. the anticipated duration of the…

AHRC Delivery Plan 2011-2015

In line with other research councils, AHRC released its Delivery Plan for 2011 – 2015 [PDF] in late December 2010. These documents set out the research councils’ strategic priorities for the next four years – i.e. the anticipated duration of the…

NERC Delivery Plan 2011-2015

In line with other research councils, NERC released its Delivery Plan for 2011 – 2015 [PDF] just before the Christmas break. These documents set out the research councils’ strategic priorities for the next four years – i.e. the anticipated duration…