TSB Innovation Vouchers for SME’s

The Technology Strategy Board’s national Innovation Voucher scheme enables businesses to obtain help from a range of expert suppliers – universities, further education colleges, research & technology organisations, technical consultancies and Catapult centres, design advisers and intellectual property advisers.

An Innovation Voucher provides funding so that your business can work with an external expert for the first time, gaining new knowledge to help your business innovate, develop and grow.

Key information

  • Available fort start-ups, micro, small and medium-sized businesses (as defined by the EC) located anywhere in theUK
  • Ideas should be applicable to one of the priority sectors: Agrifood, Built Environment and Space in the interim period
  • Up to £5,000 for businesses to obtain the help of an external expert at the University to develop ideas and improve performance (up to £8k for Space)

What kinds of ideas can be funded?

The TSB are interested in any innovative approach to the specific challenge identified. They can support all types of innovation – for example ideas for new or improved products, processes and services, using design to improve ideas or managing intellectual property. The key issue is that this should represent a real challenge for business, not just a small improvement or change to what is currently done.

Further Information can be obtained via the portal https://vouchers.innovateuk.org/