FP7 Security Research Information Day

An information day on the  FP7-SEC-2013-1 Security Research call will be held on the 11th September 2012 in Brussels.

This information day will provide details on the FP7-SEC-2013-1 call launched on 10 July 2012 under the Security Theme (Priority 10) of the FP7 Cooperation Programme.

The FP7-SEC-2013-1 call offers new research funding opportunities to research institutions, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations and any other security stakeholders.

Would you like to participate? The event will help you prepare your proposal by offering:
– Networking possibilities
– Bilateral meetings with Project Officers
– Answers to your questions linked to call areas
– Details on the legal and procedural conditions

Registration is compulsory via the form at http://ec.europa.eu/rea/secure/fp7security_infoday2012_en.htm, even if you do not plan to stay for the whole duration of the event.
Registrations will be closed on 4th September 2012 or earlier if the maximum capacity is reached.