Call for Proposals: Computational Science and Engineering: Software for the Future

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has issued an invitation for proposals for its call on computational science and engineering: software for the future.

Funding is available for projects focused on the development of software that is used in computational science and engineering. This covers the development of novel code, the development of new functionality for existing codes, and the development and re-engineering of existing codes. Strategic drivers are: developing code that is future-proof; a focus on software sustainability; community building and networking; and skills acquisition.

This call has been issued in support of EPSRC’s Software as an Infrastructure strategy.  Up to £7M will be committed to this call, subject to the quality of proposals received.

Please note that in order to allow maximum time for selection of appropriate reviewers and panel members, all applicants must email by 4pm on the 1st October 2012, indicating their intention to submit. This email should contain a list of potential investigators and their institutions, and a one-paragraph summary of the potential research proposal.

For the full timetable and call details please visit the call page.