NIHR Research for Patient Benefit: Change to Funding Limit

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit programme has announced that the funding available through the programme is increasing from up to £250,000 to up to £350,000 per project.

This change will come into effect from Competition 19, which will launch in July 2012.

How does this affect researchers applying to RfPB?
Competition 18 is currently open. Those researchers applying to Competition 18 will not be eligible to apply for the increased funding. Any researchers registered in the NIHR CCF Research Management System to apply to Competition 18 will not be able  to transfer their application to Competition 19, but rather they will need to create a new application when Competition 19 opens.

How does this affect the NIHR surgery research call?

The change in funding limit will affect applications to the NIHR Call for Applied Health Research in Surgery – researchers are able to apply to this call through both Competitions 18 and 19, but will only be eligible for the higher funding amount if they apply through Competition 19.

If you have any questions about the funding increase, please do not hesitate to contact the RfPB team:

Email:        Telephone: 020 8843 8057