DECC is looking for a contractor or contractors to undertake research and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, based on evidence provided by project teams with direct experience of developing district heating networks within the last ten years. The research will comprise appropriate techniques to collect quantitative and qualitative information respectively. The quantitative data will be used to refine the design of the District Heating module of DECC’s National Heat Model. This will be a decisive tool in the assessment of potential impact of different policy scenarios. The qualitative data will assist policy developers by enabling them to determine what barriers can be most affectively targeted by policy interventions and what some of the design elements of those policy interventions might look like. This work requires an in depth understanding of district heating projects, and a working knowledge of research techniques. An understanding of Government policy development practices would be an asset.
Reference number:424/06/2012
Deadline date:25/07/2012
This deadline is for…Bids to be received within DECC by 9:00 on the 25th of July
Contract value:£1 – £100,000
Location where the contract is to be carried out:London
Is this suitable for smaller suppliers?Yes
Is this contract suitable for a voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations?No
Name of the buying organisation:Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)