The latest call for the ESRC Knowledge Exchange Opportunities opened on the 9th April and with a deadline of the 7th June you have plenty of time to prepare your proposal!
The ESRC Knowledge Exchange scheme provides the opportunity to apply for funding for knowledge exchange (and Public Engagement) activities at any stage of the research lifecycle, and is aimed at maximising the impact of social science research outside academia. This is great for making the most of your research as we come up to the REF, and best of all anyone can apply to this scheme – you do not have to be ESRC funded! PhD students (whether funded by the ESRC or not) are also eligible to apply.
Applicants can apply for a maximum of £125,000 (at 100 per cent fEC) from the ESRC towards the total project costs (the ESRC will meet 80 per cent of this figure) The project partner contribution should at least match the amount requested from the ESRC; ie it should be at least 50 per cent of the total project cost.
For more information on the call details and guidance documents please visit the call page.