RCUK Seeking Referees for Research Proposals in Forensic Science

Research Councils UK has invited the Forensic Science Society, a professional body of forensic scientists, to collect nominations of researchers to evaluate proposals in forensic science  to be forwarded to RCUK .

The Process of Nomination

The process, as determined by RCUK, for nomination of potential referees is as follows:

  • Active researchers in forensic science nominate their peers
  • No more than four names in total should be submitted.
  • The names should be those whom the community has confidence in without self-nomination.
  • The nominations should be made independently, without collusion.

The Forensic Science Society has set up a web portal for nominations to be received.  This requires the following information to be completed for nominators and nominees:

Email address
Contact number (optional)
Affiliation (i.e. organisation)
Area (s) of expertise (i.e. specialties)

All information should be correct with no typographical or spelling errors as these could affect the automated process of collation and make the nomination invalid.

The opening date for receipt of nominations is Monday 12 March (12 noon) and the closing date is Friday 30 March (5pm).  Nominations received after the closing date will not be accepted. A live link will be made available from Monday 12 March from this page. Click here to nominate.

Nominees may be contacted by the Forensic Science Society to obtain their permission for their name, contact and other details as listed above, to be forwarded to RCUK if they have not previously indicated their interest to the Society in becoming involved in this process.

RCUK will make the selection to the Referees College and will contact those names directly, whom it has selected.

Please note that the Forensic Science Society does not play any part in this selection.

By submitting nominations you agree to the following Terms & Conditions

Points of Further Clarification
Research Councils UK are seeking nominations from the UK.
2. However, RCUK would not disqualify nominees from overseas whose names have been put forward in accordance with the criteria listed above.

The deadline for submitting nominations to the society is 30 March.

For further information, visit the Forensic Science Society website here.