RCUK Energy Programme – NSFC Call for Collaborative Research with China on Smart Grids

Following the announcement by the Chancellor George Osborne on Tuesday of two new UK Research Council partnerships with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the EPSRC have just released a call as part of the RCUK Energy Programme for collaborative research with China within the field of Smart Grids. The themes of this call are:

  • Integration of large Scale Renewables, including HVDC
  • Distribution Network Operation and Planning
  • Scalable flexible power systems operation and control, including risk and uncertainty

Further details on these themes can be found on the EPSRC call page.

Up to £3million is available across the theme areas from the Energy Programme with matched equivalent resources from NSFC (up to 3million RMB per project). Between three and four proposals are expected to receive funding and consortia should consider how their proposal makes the best use of available expertise in the UK, how it networks the UK community and how it positions UK activities against other international opportunities.
Proposals should include leading UK researchers wishing to develop contacts with leading researchers from NSFC institutes in China.