New Je-S Release – 19th April 2011

A new version of the Research Councils’ Je-S system was released yesterday, 19th April 2011.  All Research Councils, including MRC,  are now using Je-S for proposal submission. This is part of the agreement between Councils as they implement the Shared Service Centre. Other functionality, including grant maintenance requests (extensions, delays) and reporting, is available via Je-S for all Councils except MRC.

The full release notes are below:

General: All Research Councils are now using the Je-S System for submission of proposals. All RCs, apart from MRC, will be able to use full Je-S functionality (however see comment below about status reporting).

Grant Maintenance: All requests for changes to current grants must be made through this functionality for all research councils (except for current MRC Grants until later in the summer when all MRC data will have been transferred) (The data in Status Reporting for AHRC and BBSRC is expected to be made available very shortly).

Student Data Portal- Final Expenditure Statements: There is now the ability to sort the student names alphabetically.

Status Reporting: Can now apply filters to enable searches.

AHRC: New Schemes- Knowledge Exchange Hubs for the Creative Economy: Communities, Culture and Creative Economies.

ESRC: New attachment type: Data Management Plan – Further info available at

NC3Rs: Are introducing a new studentship scheme and will collect the data through the SDP- access to the scheme will have to be set up in the RO Master Pool Admin function.