A new version of the Je-S System used by Research Councils was released on Tuesday 15 February.
The main changes are detailed below:
ESRC and STFC grant processing will move to the SSC (Shared |Service Centre) on Monday 21 February. This will result in some changes within Je-S:
Pre Award Tracking: ESRC and STFC proposal information will be available week beginning 21 Feb. The Tracker will be available within the ROMasterID and the PIs accounts to track progress of applications from the point of submission.
Status Reporting: The information for ESRC and STFC has been frozen since the beginning of the month, updates for these councils will start from the 28th Feb. Offer letters/Start Certificates: will be available through Je-S for ESRC and STFC (EPSRC and NERC currently available)
Grant Maintenance: All requests for changes to current grants must be made through this functionality for ESRC, STFC, EPSRC and NERC ( there may be a few days delay for ESRC and NERC as the Status Reporting data has to be available – by 28 Feb)
Expenditure Statements:
ESRC statements will now be handled through Je-S.
The document list now includes the Due Date information (on right hand side of the list).
Email alerts will now include the RO reference number and PI details.
Confirmation of Access to document emails: A comment is now mandatory (in response to users querying with Helpdesk why they are being given access to a document).
Proposal Classification section: New section will appear in the forms for ESRC and STFC (already in place for NERC, not used by EPSRC).
Accessibility: Further changes to the look of the System have been implemented, notably under the Pool Admin functionality.
AHRC Specific Changes:
Project Student Stipend: Amended in Je-S in line with rates used by other councils: £13590 (London rate £15590)
Annual Cost Profile: The requirement to break down the costs for items for each year of the proposal has been removed.