Australia-Europe Research Collaboration Funding

Australia by Marxchivist

ACCESS4EU is an FP7 funded project which provides researchers in the EU with information on research initiatives around the world which support collaboration with Europe.

Here’s a recent notice about an Australian funding scheme which will support international collaboration between, for example, universities in the UK and Australia:

Researchers in the EU now have increased opportunities to participate in Australian research programmes thanks to the recent opening up of major Australian-funded research funding initiatives.

Schemes include the Australian Research Council’s Competitive Grants Programme and The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s Flagship Fund.

A new project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) is being launched in November to raise awareness of opportunities for European-Australian research collaboration throughout the European research community.

AUS-ACCESS4EU is one of a number of ACCESS4EU projects which aim to increase the European research community’s awareness of opportunities to participate in research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) programmes in industrialised countries outside Europe.

The project will be launched at an Information Day in London on 8th November 2010 and a further seven events are planned in cities throughout Europe. Speakers from the project’s partner organisations will be joined by leading members of the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). In addition European researchers who have participated in research programmes in Australia will give a personal perspective on their experience.

The Information Day will be of particular interest to research managers and administrators in universities and other institutions.

For further information about AUS-ACCESS4EU and the Information Day please go to

To reserve a place at the Information Day please email us at to request a registration form.

One thought on “Australia-Europe Research Collaboration Funding

  1. Epsilica

    Collaborative funding between countries, especially the UK and Australia is great news for all the universities involved. There was concern in the UK during the recent budget that research funding would be cut which would have been terrible.

    It does not take a scientist to know the benefits of retaining and hopefully increasing funding and collaborative funding simply serves to provide more opportunities for success.

    I wish you all the best