Amy Williams from the UK Research Office will be visiting the university on the 7th September for the UKRO annual visit.
The UK Research Office was established in 1984 to promote effective UK participation in EU-funded research and higher education programmes by providing advice and support on the latest developments in European programmes and policies, and providing advice, guidance and training on applying for and managing EU projects. Funded jointly by the seven Research Councils UKRO receives subscriptions from over 140 research organisations.
The programme for the day is designed to help staff understand the EU research funding landscape with sessions on specific schemes to include Marie Curie actions and the European Research Council (ERC) grants for starting and advanced investigators.
The day will start at 9.30 in MB1009 (Main Admin Building, First Floor) with coffee. Sessions start at 9.45:
9.45 am: FP7 overview and UKRO services
10.45 am: Marie Curie
11.45 am: Coffee
12.00 pm: How to write an EU funding proposal
1.00 pm: Lunch
2.00 pm: ERC Starting and Advanced Grants
The sessions will finish at 3pm.
As previously mentioned on this blog, this event provides a perfect opportunity for staff to familiarise themselves with European funding following the recent endorsement by the University Research Committee to develop a European Research Funding Strategy for Lincoln.
To book a place please visit the Staff Learning and Development page on the portal.