Information event for FP7 Social Science and Humanities, and Science in Society Programmes


Regent’s College, London.

In its capacity as National Contact Point for the FP7 Social Science and Humanities (SSH) Programme and the Science in Society Programme, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is arranging a one-day briefing event on opportunities and expectations in these two programmes. 

The event will focus on the current calls outlined in the 2010 Work Programmes, with a chance to engage informally with a senior Commission official about the approach and what is being sought.  There will also be information from UKRO on other aspects and opportunities; and an introduction to the Commission’s “Road Map” for the SSH programme of research topics envisaged for calls in the period 2011 – 2013. This event is principally aimed at university research managers and European funding officers with responsibility for the social sciences and humanities.

For more information on the event and details of how to register see below.