UKRO Visit Day – 11th September 2009

The annual UK Research Office visit day on 11th September 2009 is a unique opportunity to stay up to date with the  latest news and intelligence on EC funding from the UK Research Office (UKRO). It will:

  • Update staff, both academic and support, on key developments in EC funding.
  • Provide an opportunity for one-to-one and group discussion of any planned bids for EC funding.
  • Enable staff to understand the different types of research and related funding available.
  • Facilitate an awareness of administrative and financial procedures associated with EC funding.

Both academic and support staff are encouraged to attend. The event will last from 10am – 4pm, with an hour for lunch (location MC0021).

The morning session will include an overview of recently released FP7 calls (with deadlines from October 2009 – January 2010) and expected future priorities, general guidance on EC proposal writing and forming a network, as well as a presentation of case studies which show how UKRO can support you in bidding for EC funding.

The afternoon session will include a series of presentations and discussions on specific topics determined by you. If there is an area of EC funding which you would particularly like to find out about, or if you wish to arrange a discussion of a forthcoming bid, please email the Research Office (  and we will try to include it as part of the afternoon session.

Please visit HR’s Staff Development and Training site on the Portal for more information, or email to book a place. If you can’t attend the whole day, you’re still welcome to come along but please indicate this in your booking so we can get an idea of numbers for catering.

Background: UKRO is based in Brussels and funded by the UK Research Councils. UKRO provides support and intelligence to UK researchers on all aspects of EC funding, from the research-based funding of Framework Programme 7 to the Lifelong Learning Programme and many others.

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