The Leverhulme Trust announced in January that they will fund approximately 70 Early Career Fellowships in the 2009 competition:
Leverhulme – Early Career Fellowships
These awards provide an opportunity for those without full-time permanent academic posts in UK institutions to develop their research careers. Award holders will be expected to produce a significant publishable piece of research during the Fellowship.
The Leverhulme Trust will fund 50% of the Fellow’s salary costs (including Employer’s NI and superannuation) up to a maximum of £23,000. The balance will be contributed by the host institution. The benefit to the institution and host department is that they gain a full-time researcher for effectively half the normal cost; the benefit to the researcher is the chance to carry out a significant piece of research which will enable them to advance their career.
The deadline for applications is 12th March 2009. Note that the application is submitted online and requires support from both the head of department and the institution through the Senior Pro-Vice Chancellor in Lincoln’s case.
Please get in touch with URO if you would like to discuss further.