The UK Research Office (UKRO) will be holding a series of Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) and Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) general information and proposal writing events in September: Venue University of Edinburgh – 17th September 2012 (afternoon…
FP7 ERC – Starting Grants and Advanced Grants: Booking Open for Information and Proposal Writing Events
The UK Research Office (UKRO) will be holding a series of information and proposal writing events for researchers who are interested in applying for the ERC Starting Grants or Advanced Grants calls. The events will take place between 21 August…
Energy and International Development: Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions in Developing Countries
EPSRC is leading a call on behalf of the RCUK Energy Programme in collaboration with the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and invites expressions of interest from organisations (based in either…
Towards an Intelligent Information Infrastructure: Call for Expressions of Interest
The EPSRC have identified Towards an Intelligent Information Infrastructure (TI3) which is part of the Information and communication technologies (ICT) key theme, as a priority for future research funding. A two day workshop will be held on the 3rd and 4th December…
UKRO Annual Visit – Book Your Place Now!
The schedule for this year’s UKRO Annual Visit, which takes place on Tuesday, has now been confirmed and booking are now being taken! Places are limited so please book now to avoid disappointment. The sessions for academics and interested research…
NIHR – Research Design Service Visit Wednesday 16th May
The NIHR Research Design Service for the East Midlands will be visiting the University on Wednesday 16th May to talk about the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) research funding opportunities: The Research Design Service offers free advice and guidance to…