The Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) wishes to support independent-minded researchers to do interdisciplinary work which is unlikely to be funded by existing funding bodies. It is interested in original research ideas which take new approaches, and suggest new solutions,…
Rome research awards
The British Academy’s British School at Rome invites applications for its Rome research awards. These awards support research on the archaeology, art history, history, society and culture of Italy, from prehistory to the modern period. The following awards are available:…
Humanities and social sciences to get own budget in Horizon 2020
A report in ResearchFortnight has stated that the Humanities and Social Sciences will get their own budget in the next EU research funding programme, Horizon 2020. It has been proposed that the sixth challenge in Horizon 2020’s societal challenges pillar—inclusive, innovative and secure…
British Council JSPS Summer Programme
The British Council in Japan, in association with the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, has issued an invitation for applications for its summer programme. This programme allows UK researchers in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences to…
ESRC Festival of Social Science
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is holding its annual Festival of Social Science from 3 to 10 November. The ESRC Festival of Social Science offers a fascinating insight into some of the country’s leading social science research and…
RCUK Launches Research Career Case Studies to Inspire Young People
Research Councils UK (RCUK) published a number of online suite of case studies earlier this month designed to inspire the next generation to think about pursuing a career in research. Each case study tells their own personal story of how they…