On Friday HEFCE announced the results of its recent consultation with the sector on the Research Excellence Framework (REF), the next instalment of research assessment for universities in the UK. Research Excellence Framework – consultation outcomes As well as highlighting what…
Public Engagement in Research
Public engagement is a term that is widely used in a variety of sectors – from arts and heritage to science policy and local government. The Higher Education Funding Councils and the UK Research Councils use it to express their…
HEPI Criticises Impact in REF Consultation
The Higher Education Policy Institute, an independent think-tank on HE and university-related policy issues, has released a critique of HEFCE’s REF consultation. The main criticism is aimed at the “experimental” use of economic and social impact to judge research quality.…
HEFCE Launches REF Consultation
The Higher Education Funding Council for England has published its recommendations on the nature and structure of the forthcoming Research Excellence Framework, the successor to the RAE: Consultation on the development of the REF The consultation runs until the 16th…
ARMA 09: Post-Conference Thoughts
The 2009 Association of Research Managers and Administrators conference took place in Southampton from 1st to 3rd June. I attended the full three day event which was a great opportunity to find out about good practice in research administration at…
Research Excellence Framework: “RAE with numbers”?
The Times Higher has just published a very interesting and informative analysis of the REF (Research Excellence Framework), the replacement for the RAE: Structural Adjustments – The REF Unscrambled This detailed article is effectively the “story so far” of the…