We were delighted that so many of you attended Lincoln’s first Research Roadshow on the 7th March. It was great to see so many of you there and to catch up with you at the reception that followed the event.…
Last Few Days to Book Your Place on the Research Roadshow!
There are only a few days left to book your place for the University’s first Research Roadshow on Wednesday 7th March! The Research Roadshow is a dedicated university-wide mini conference on research activity, and a great way to hear about…
Research Roadshows – Save the Date!
The Research Roadshows for 2012 are scheduled to take place on 7 March (2-4pm), 2 May (2-4pm) and 19 September (2-4pm). The Roadshows will discuss the Research Excellence Framework (REF) and EU Funding and will be led by Senior Deputy…
HEEFS Spring Briefings
The Higher Education European Funding Services, HEEFS, has released details of its Spring Programme. HEEFS is the UK HE Sector’s shared service providing information, advice and support to Institutions seeking financial resources from EU Programmes offering opportunities for transnational collaboration. Due…
Marie Curie Individual Fellowships and Reintegration Grants: Information and Proposal Writing Sessions
UKRO are holding a number of training events designed to provide participants with an overview of the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (Intra-European (IEF), International Outgoing (IOF), and International Incoming (IIF)) and the Reintegration Grants (European (ERG) and International (IRG)). These…
EPSRC Study Days for 2010
The EPSRC has announced a series of study days for 2010 to be held at the EPSRC offices in Swindon. The one-day events will give university staff an overview of EPSRC strategies and procedures, and will cover recent changes in peer…