The European Research Council (ERC) has celebrated its 5th year of supporting outstanding researchers throughout Europe. The ERC, which turned 5 yesterday, is marking the milestone with a two day event in Brussels, ‘5 Years of Excellent Ideas,’ attended by…
First ERC Synergy Grant call attracts 710 proposals
The European Research Council (ERC) has reported that they received a total of 710 proposals in the first ERC Synergy Grant call. The new ERC funding scheme was introduced on a pilot basis for exceptional proposals with the intention of enabling a small group of Principal Investigators…
FP7 ERC: UKRO Information and Proposal Writing Events on Advanced Grants and Synergy Grants
Places are still available at the upcoming UKRO proposal writing events on European Research Council (ERC) Advanced and Synergy Grants. The aim of the event is to provide participants with an overview of the ERC in the Seventh Framework Programme…
Grantcraft Support Packs for 2012 ERC Starting Grant Call Now Available
Grantcraft support packs are now available on the Research Office portal (login required) for applicants to the 2012 round of European Research Council Starting Independent Researcher Grant (ERC Starting Grants.) The fifth call for proposals for the ERC Starting Grants,…
ERC Starting Grants: Booking Now Open for UK Information and Proposal Writing Events
The UK Research Office, which also acts as the UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the ERC, has organised a series of information events for researchers who are interested in applying for the ERC Starting Grants. ERC Starting Independent Researcher…
ERC Budget Increase: Good News for “Blue Skies” Research
The Times Higher Education reports today that the “blue skies” focused European Research Council will have an annual budget increase of 23% to €1.6bn: Funding for the highly regarded European Research Council, which finances “frontier” research, will rise by 23…