6-10 January 2014 (Cranage Hall, Cheshire) The AHRC is working in partnership with ESRC, EPSRC, Dstl and CPNI, to commission new research to develop a greater understanding of how empathy and trust are developed, maintained, transformed and lost in social…
British Council: Travel Grants
Call open 15th October 2013 Deadline 23:59 GMT 24th November 2013 Researchers that reside in the UK can apply for funding to spend up to 3 months at a university or research institution in one of the nineteen partner countries,…
New Call for Proposals: British Academy/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships
Application forms for the British Academy / Leverhulme Small Research Grants are now available on e-GAP https://egap.britac.ac.uk/ The Academy has opened a new call for applications for the Senior Research Fellowship scheme, with funding generously provided by the Leverhulme Trust…
Call for Expressions of Interest to present virtual exhibitions of images on the AHRC website
With the AHRC website, now a year old, offering the possibility of presenting a wide range of rich, exciting and highly visual digital content – content that both promotes and is generated by the research community – the AHRC recently…
Wellcome Trust to provide ring-fenced funding for public engagement activities
The Wellcome Trust today announces that it is to provide ring-fenced funding to support its researchers in their public engagement activities. From 10 October, researchers applying for Wellcome Trust funding will be invited to include proposals for programmes of activity…
Research Investment Fund (RIF)
The University is making available an annual £500k investment fund to assist academic staff with the development of new strategic research opportunities. The fund will seek to support our research infrastructure through PhD studentships, equipment and the pump-priming of new…