The deadline for responses to the new AHRC strategy for arts and humanities research, and the AHRC’s role in the funding landscape is fast approaching! This is your opportunity as the arts and humanities community to feed into the Strategy…
AHRC-NEH Joint Funding Initiative: Bridging Cultures
The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) in the United States are cooperating to advance research in the humanities that focuses on the humanities and health and well-being. Applications…
Are you interested in becoming a member of a Research Council governing council?
Six research councils are inviting applications to fill governing council vacancies expected to arise in 2013. Suitably qualified academics and experienced individuals from industry, commerce, government, and the voluntary, creative and cultural sectors, can apply. The vacancies are at…
Knowledge Exchange and Arts and Humanities Research
If you are a researcher within the Arts and the Humanities you may be interested to hear about an event to take place next summer which will tackle the two areas of impact and knowledge exchange: Event Date: 01/12/2012 Event Location: University…
AHRC Funding Opportunity for Skills Development: Engaging with the Government
The deadline is fast approaching to apply for a place on the AHRC Engaging with Government programme, previously advertised on this blog last month. The Engaging with Government programme is a three day course which will take place in February 2013…
AHRC Follow on Fund Scheme update
Funds to support engagement with new audiences was the aim of the AHRC’s pilot Follow-on Funding scheme, as a result of an internal review, the scheme will change to have a greater focus on innovation, creativity and external engagement in…